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Archives of the Beavertail Lighthouse Museum Association

About this Exhibit

Early in 2021 the Beavertail Lighthouse Museum Board of Directors voted to hire an intern to begin the project of photographing and cataloging the artifacts that BLMA has acquired over the years and to enter them into a database.

Victoria Schultz, currently working on her Bachelor’s degree at Endicott College in Beverly, MA, and majoring in history, was selected for the intern position and began work in the Spring of 2021. As she worked throughout the summer, she managed to document nearly 1000 artifacts housed at the Museum and create catalog entries for them. It quickly became clear that we had a lot of material to create online exhibits in order to share our collection with the public.

This "Hand Made Lighthouse Model's" exhibit is only the first of what we hope will be many online exhibits that can be produced from the work that Victoria has done (and we hope will continue to do) at the Beavertail Lighthouse Museum.

We would like to also thank Mary Dennis, the daughter of Robert I. Dennis for her collaboration and help in producing this exhibit. Mary's generous contribution of photos and documents help to provide a personal dimension to this project.

David Smith, BLMA Board of Directors Vice President 

October 2021