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This "12 Volt Lamp Charger" is used as a solar charger for "failed" lamps The wire springs at each corner of the solar panels keep the sea birds from landing on the solar panels and defecating, thereby limiting the solar charging of the…

This lighthouse was built in 1872, standing at 50ft tall with a red fixed character. It is located at 41 degrees North and 71 degree West on shoal off Bullocks Point. Bullocks Point was maintained for 66 years until it was discontinued in 1939.

This model ship was of the Lightship Brenton LV102, which was stationed off Brenton Reef and was active from 1935 until 1962. The Brenton ship model was created by Varjouran Karentz in 2018.

This lighthouse was built in 1881, standing at 48ft tall with a fixed white character. It is located at 41 degrees North and 71 degrees West on the Bordens Flats in Taunton River with a bell for its fog signal.

Bob Dennis Photo
Dated on back October 1994

Jean Napier remembers Block Island's Southeast light as the place where her great-grandfather. Henry Clark. and grandfather, Willett Clark, were the first and second keepers. They tended the light from 1875 until 1932 "Grandfather would go out…

A wall display listing all the Keepers and Assistant Keepers of the Beavertail Light Station and their years of service from 1749 through 1972

This model of the Beavertail Lighthouse depicts how it may have appeared between 1749 to 1754. However, we now know that this model is incorrect. The original lighthouse was octagonal, not circular.

This model as well as many others were created by Robert I. Dennis, who was originally a docent at Beavertail Lighthouse Museum.

During the Civil War. Peter Lee applied to become keeper in order to free a younger man to enlist in the Union Army. His daughter Ella was nine at the time, the third of six children. In later years Ella liked to tell stories of those days to her…

Linda Levesque also grew up at Beavertail, one of eleven children. Her father, Domenic Turillo, was keeper there in the 1950s and 1960s. One thing my mother didn't like very much was the inspections the Coast Guard had. My father would go bananas.…

Beavertail was the first Lighthouse in America using a bell for a fog signal. Constructed in 1829 the 600 lb bell on top of a 12' tower was located nearby the existing 1749 lighthouse foundation. The remains of the 1829 fog bell foundation are still…

Video about Beavertail during WWII

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Storyboard describing events at Beavertail from 1942 through 1974, "The War Years", and "The Cold War"

With knowledge of the current time and geographical position in the form of latitude and longitude, the astrocompass is sighted on any astronomical object with a know position to give an extremely accurate reading determining the direction of "true…

This building was constructed in 1898 to house the Assistant Lighthouse Keeper and his family. The three rooms on the 1*‘ floor comprised the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The 2nd floor consists of 3 bedrooms a toilet and a single…

This photo was taken in 2000 by Don Bucklin. The article explains how Bucklin's wife, Hope, had seen a figure within the left window of one of the Lighthouse buildings. Although not clearly defined, Bucklin could make out "a man in his twenties…

This oil can was used to carry the whale oil up to the top of the tower to keep the light lit. Visitors are invited to try and lift the can and imagine carrying that can of oil up the 49 steps.
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