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Henry Whaley and his father, Joseph, kept this light from 1862 to 1908. Joseph's sister married Henry Cark, the first keeper of Block Island's Southeast light. Joseph Whaley Jr was born at Point Judith Lighthouse in 1893 and lived there until he was…

Nov 2020 New.jpg
An interactive display showing the locations of Rhode Island Lighthouses. When a button is pressed a corresponding light on the map will indicate the location of the selected lighthouse. The current display was built by Varajoun Karentz to replace…

Models of lighthousesbuilt by Joe Bouchard.

These models represent the Lighthouse structures that have stood at Beavertail over the years The model of the first lighthouse was constructed by Varoujan Karentz in 2020. The maker of the second Lighthouse model is unknown. The third model,…

The clothing worn by George Durfee, who was lighthouse keeper of the Catimer Reef Lighthouse in Stonington, Connecticut from 1933 until 1952, was a navy jacket.

This mannequin presents the style and kind of clothing that women would wear during the mid to late 1800s. The mannequin and clothing were donated by Dorrie Linn. The antique clothing is on loan from Period Pieces Collection.

Marina Radio Activated Sound Signal (MRASS) installed in fog-prone locations enables vessels equipped with VHF radio to activate the fog signal located at the lighthouse or other fixed location. The Marina keys his "push to talk" button on Channel…

Nautical Chart decorated to show the date and location of various marine disasters on Narragansett Bay

Martin Thompson was keeper of Sandy Point lighthouse from 1905 until his retirement in 1933. Thompson was one of five people drowned when the 1938 hurricane swept away the keeper's house where they had gathered for protection from the storm. As a…

These are memories coming straight from the source, Robert I. Dennis. He goes on to explain what daily life was like for him as a Seaman on the U.S.L.H. Tender (SHRUB).

This lighthouse was built in 1873, standing at 33ft tall with a fixed red character. It is located 41 degrees North and 71 degrees West with a bell as its fog signal. Musselbed Shoals was maintained for 66 years until it was discontinued in 1939.

Model of Nantucket Lightship

The LED lights embedded in this chart represent the lighthouses around Narragansett Bay. The LEDs blink at the same rate as the actual lights. This chart was donated by Carl Welshman of Harbor Lights Inc.

This navigation sextant was manufactured in Britain by Kelvin & Hughes. It is on loan to BLMA from the Collection of Captain Christopher Karentz.

The foundation of the original Lighthouse informational Poster

Painting of Beavertail Lighthouse was created by Betsy Lewis.

This photo of "Newport Light" (the late 1800s) at the North End of Goat Island. The tower itself was built in 1838 and went into operation in 1842. Sadly, the tower only remains today. This was purchased at a yard sale, gifted from Mr. & Mrs.…
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