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Jean Napier remembers Block Island's Southeast light as the place where her great-grandfather. Henry Clark. and grandfather, Willett Clark, were the first and second keepers. They tended the light from 1875 until 1932 "Grandfather would go out…

Bob Dennis Photo
Dated on back October 1994

This lighthouse was built in 1881, standing at 48ft tall with a fixed white character. It is located at 41 degrees North and 71 degrees West on the Bordens Flats in Taunton River with a bell for its fog signal.

This model ship was of the Lightship Brenton LV102, which was stationed off Brenton Reef and was active from 1935 until 1962. The Brenton ship model was created by Varjouran Karentz in 2018.

This lighthouse was built in 1872, standing at 50ft tall with a red fixed character. It is located at 41 degrees North and 71 degree West on shoal off Bullocks Point. Bullocks Point was maintained for 66 years until it was discontinued in 1939.

This "12 Volt Lamp Charger" is used as a solar charger for "failed" lamps The wire springs at each corner of the solar panels keep the sea birds from landing on the solar panels and defecating, thereby limiting the solar charging of the…

The candlestick telephone was common in use from the late 1890's to the 1940's. The telephone features a mouthpiece (transmitter) mounted at the top of the stand and a receiver (earphone) that was held to the ear by the user during a call. When the…

This lighthouse was built in 1890, standing at 40ft tall with a flashing red character. It is located at 41 degrees North and 71 degrees West on West side of Castle Hill with a bell for its fog signal.

This lighthouse was built in 1886, standing at 45ft tall with a fixed red character. It is located at 41 degrees North and 71 degrees West, North end on Conanicut Island. Conanicut Point was maintained for 47 years until it was discontinued in 1933.

This lighthouse was built in 1868, standing at 58ft tall and has a fixed white with red sector. It has a bell as its fog signal and is located 41 degrees North and 71 degrees West on the end of Conimicut sand split.

Storyboard describing the events leading to the creation of Beavertail State Park.

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This collection of 21 handmade wooden models, each representing a lighthouse in Rhode Island, was created by Robert Dennis. Robert Denniswas in the US Lighthouse Service in the 1930’s and later on ships inthe North Atlantic convoys. During WWII he…

The Granite Light tower was built in 1856, standing at 56ft high above hightide. It has an identical tower at Watch Hill Light, however, it is lesser in height. The tower has 2ft thick wall with more than 4,500 blocks in it. Inside the tower, there…

photo copy of a newspaper article

Storyboard discussing the various Fog Signal devises that have been used at Beavertail over the years.

Fog Signals at Beavertail from early days until the present day

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Storyboard describing the development of the Harbor Defense Command and Fort Burnside at Beavertail and their roles in the defense of Narragansett Bay during World War II
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