The View – RENEWED!
In the Spring of 2019, the BLMA Board of Directors formed a committee to remove the overhead power lines at Beavertail and to restore the skyline back to its 1935 historic scene with a fund raising effort called “Renew the View”.
The project would eventually involve Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, National Grid and Verizon. Funds were raised, meetings were held and in August of 2019 work commenced. RIDEM dug the 400 foot cable trench and 3 conduits for power and telephone were laid, buried and connected to the buildings by Brittain Electric Inc of Jamestown. National Grid installed a new pole and transformer at the feed location.
Power was transferred to the buried cable on 11 September with less than an hour downtime of the navigation light.Verizon workers removed their telephone lines and poles on Oct. 7th and the View was Renewed.
BLMA would like to extend thanks all who contributed time, effort and financial donations to this project.
This series of photos, taken by BLMA Board Member Varoujan Karentz in August and September of 2019, follow the progress of the burial of the overhead power lines at Beavertail.